Ein Mann und eine Frau in gelben Jacken schauen lächelnd in die Kamera. Ein Mann und eine Frau in gelben Jacken schauen lächelnd in die Kamera.


Werde Teil des Dynaco-Teams

  • Technical Customer Support Engineer

    As a Technical Customer Support Engineer you have a crucial role in Entrematic’s Customer Service organization. This team supports clients worldwide and consists of 14 coworkers. In this function, you are in charge of the HPD (High-Performance Doors) and OHSD (Overhead Sectional Doors) customer service.

  • Maintenance Technician

    You are passionate about engineering, metalworking and electricity. You like solving problems by sometimes thinking outside the box. You get into every department, your work is varied. And above all you do it all in a skillful, correct and quality manner.

  • Motivated production worker

    A true craftsman or woman with an eye for safety, quality and accuracy for various departments for production of high-speed doors.

  • Engineering technician

    Are you an enthusiastic technician who wants to join our R&D workshop? With us, you get the chance to work every day on challenging projects that continuously improve our products. In collaboration with our engineers, you will work on various tasks, and your good reporting skills are essential for this.

Über uns

Dynaco Europe NV bietet unter den Markennamen Dynaco und Nergeco Hochleistungstore für industrielle und gewerbliche Anwendungen an. Beide Marken blicken auf eine lange Tradition und ein umfangreiches Know-how im Bereich Schnelllauftore zurück.

Two yellow doors next to each other, the on is being opened. Two yellow doors next to each other, the on is being opened.

Lernen Sie zwei Teammitglieder von Dynaco kennen

Carlos treffen

Sandra treffen

Kontaktieren Sie uns

Wenn Sie eine spezielle Anfrage oder ein besonderes Projekt haben, zögern Sie bitte nicht, uns zu kontaktieren: Unser Team wird Ihre Fragen gerne beantworten.