Did you know that the energy consumption of buildings represents more than 40% of carbon dioxide and green gas emission in Europe today? A significant number, which has businesses concerned about their energy management. Not only because energy prices are rising exponentially, but also due to the increased demands from governments world-wide to implement sustainable solutions. As doors play a vital role in this respect - due to their dynamic nature - choosing the right door per specific installation environment becomes instrumental. Dynaco will help you to optimise your energy management and meet your sustainability goals with a product portfolio that is always AHEAD.


Energy matters: how doors impact your energy consumption

For a long time, doors were considered a static part of a building, especially exterior ones. Their use was seen as purely aesthetic and functional, i.e. to keep your building secure. As a result, their role in energy management has too often been underestimated. Now, thanks to increased knowledge of the market and the industry’s continuous efforts to communicate on the dynamic nature of doors, their significant impact on energy consumption is increasingly being recognised.

How a door scores in terms of energy efficiency depends on many factors, such as its design and the materials used, but also its installation. The former defines - among other things - how well a door scores in terms of thermal transmittance (expressed in U value). This value indicates exactly how much heat passes through the door when closed. Installation, on the other hand, heavily influences factors such as air leakage, which is another contributing factor to energy loss.


A third aspect which impacts your energy consumption is a door’s opening and closing cycle. Each time a door opens (between areas with a temperature difference) air is transferred and energy is lost. To keep temperatures and conditions stable, extra heating or air conditioning is then needed, which leads to additional energy consumption. In fact, the use of a building is responsible for more than 75% of its CO2 emissions over the course of its life cycle, mainly associated with this use of air-conditioning and heating systems. To help optimise your energy consumption, Dynaco has designed a range of products - from rigid sectional overhead doors to flexible high-speed ones. Each with their own unique energy-saving potential.

Dynaco I-14P and I-14F: the next generation of industrial overhead sectional doors


Looking for an exterior door with limited use throughout the day? Dynaco’s I-14P and 14-F are two of the most stable and well-insulated overhead doors compared to similar designs currently present in the market. Their design and fit guarantee a top-of-the-line U value and excellent sealing properties. Their horizontal panels are designed without thermal bridges for optimal insulation and are filled with chloride-free polyurethane, which makes them extra sustainable.


Besides its excellent thermal insulating properties, the I-14P also has an exceptional overall performance rating, as it comes standard with a class 3 certification for air permeability; resistance to water penetration and to wind load.

The I-14F offers, on the other hand, extra fenestration, which reduces the need for artificial light and leads to further energy savings. In addition, these doors are equipped with well-designed seals on all sides, which limits air leakage.


Our Dynaco sectional overhead door models have been granted an EPD certification (Environmental Product Declaration), which is particularly relevant in terms of energy-saving potential. This certification grants double points in any LEED or BREEAM assessment, contributing to an excellent overall assessment rating.

What is more, as of May 16th 2023, all of Dynaco’s new electrically operated sectional overhead doors will carry an energy label, generated by the European Door and Shutter Federation.  Energy labelling enables direct comparison between doors in terms of energy saving properties, as they provide detailed information on size, thermal transmittance, the motor’s power consumption and more. This will provide both retailers and end-users to make the most informed and conscious choices to find a door that most suits each specific situation.


Want to know more about Dynaco’s commitment to sustainability? Read all

about it here. (link to the blog on sustainability)

Dynaco D6: a flexible way to save energy


In need of an exterior door with a more intensive opening and closing cycle? Dynaco’s D6 range offers PVC high-speed doors with optimum energy-saving qualities. The extra fast door cycle, with an opening speed up to 3.6 m/s (depending on size) and closing speed of 1.2 m/s will help you manage your energy consumption. And so will its special, built-in feature for reduced opening height. This has the door opening adapt according to the person or vehicle below. Finally, tight sealing around the full perimeter prevents draughts and air leakage.


To optimise your energy-savings, a 2-door system can be utilised, using both a rigid door, as a night-time solution, and a flexible one for daytime.

Dynaco RIGID-R741: the best of both worlds


Looking for a solution that offers the advantages of this 2-door system in one? The Dynaco RIGID-R741 is our next-generation, hybrid model. It offers maximum security and minimal energy loss thanks to its superior thermal performance. It offers a 50 mm thick, insulated door panel, with a thermal break within each door slat and improved sealing to limit air leakage. Next to this, the RIGID-R741 has an opening and closing speed of 2.2 m/s.


Always AHEAD: Dynaco’s commitment to innovation


At Dynaco we are continuously striving to do better, including when it comes to the energy-saving potential of our products. That is why we developed 2 new models: the Dynaco I-18P and I-14S .


The I-18P is a  82 mm thick door, constructed to meet the highest environmental regulations. It exceeds current requirements with an exceptionally low U value of 0.4W/m2K, which is over two times more effective than a standard overhead sectional door. The I-14S was designed for applications with a higher opening frequency and offers an opening speed of 1 m/s.


Want to know which products offer the best energy-management properties for your specific situation? Dynaco is more than happy to assist you in making the right choice. For all enquiries, you can contact us via

Did you know that the energy consumption of buildings represents more than 40% of carbon dioxide and green gas emission in Europe today? A significant number, which has businesses concerned about their energy management. Not only because energy prices are rising exponentially, but also due to the increased demands from governments world-wide to implement sustainable solutions. As doors play a vital role in this respect - due to their dynamic nature - choosing the right door per specific installation environment becomes instrumental. Dynaco will help you to optimise your energy management and meet your sustainability goals with a product portfolio that is always AHEAD.

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